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Your home, business: buy/sellBooks, textbooks, dictionaries

Books, textbooks, dictionaries

I will sell cookbooks in Russian, English, Ukrainian, a book about tasty and healthy food. (718) 300-3953

Books, textbooks, dictionaries

I will sell textbooks, English dictionaries, collected works of R. Rolland, 4-volume edition of S. Marshak. (718) 382-9733

Books, textbooks, dictionaries

Selling books, adventure library, world of adventures, ZhZL series, subscription editions, historical novels. (347) 293-6796

Books, textbooks, dictionaries

Selling 3-volume A. Pushkin, 4-volume A. Chekhov, M. Bulgakov White Guard, 2-volume O. Forsh. (718) 672-9780

Books, textbooks, dictionaries

I will sell books, textbooks, English language dictionaries, collected works of R. Rolland, 4-volume edition of S. Marshak. (718) 382-9733

Books, textbooks, dictionaries

I will sell a book on floriculture, a complete encyclopedia of traditional medicine, a manual for knitting and weaving, a book on French cuisine. (718) 946-1705

Books, textbooks, dictionaries

Selling books on cooking and fishing. (347) 528-0878

Books, textbooks, dictionaries

Selling books by B. Akunin, D. Rubin. (347) 293-6796

Books, textbooks, dictionaries

Books for sale, English textbook by V. Bonk, English-Russian medical dictionary, book Kabbalah. (718) 714-9737

Books, textbooks, dictionaries

I will sell new manuals on knitting, cutting, sewing, musical literature, collections of sonatas. (347) 293-6796

Books, textbooks, dictionaries

Selling books on esoterics, $1. (718) 619-2572

Books, textbooks, dictionaries

I will sell subscription editions, the series World of Adventures, works by A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, a 40-volume library of classical literature. (347) 293-6796

Books, textbooks, dictionaries

I will sell a book on floriculture, a complete encyclopedia of traditional medicine, a manual for knitting and weaving, a collection of works by A. Dumas, Russian books. (718) 946-1705

Books, textbooks, dictionaries

I will sell books, textbooks, English language dictionaries, collected works of R. Rolland, 4-volume edition of S. Marshak. (718) 382-9733

Healthy Lifestyle Magazine

I will give away a subscription for several years to the Healthy Lifestyle magazine.

Palmistry. Lines of Fate. Jon Daten.

"Palmistry. Lines of Destiny" contains everything you need to master the fascinating art of palm reading. This book presents information in an easily accessible form, and is also equipped with useful details about all the important areas of life. The reader will discover how his relationships and career will develop, learn how to better use his innate abilities, get rid of bad habits and strengthen his intuition to help himself and others. The book contains interactive life-size drawings that make it easy to identify different personality types by hand.

I will buy the book by V. Platova "Tingle-Tangle"

I'll buy V. Platova's book "Tingle-Tangle", please offer.

Books, textbooks, dictionaries

I will sell textbooks, English dictionaries, collected works of R. Rolland, 4-volume edition of S. Marshak. (718) 382-9733

Books, textbooks, dictionaries

I will sell books on medicine, English-Russian medical dictionary, book Kabbalah. (718) 714-9737

Books, textbooks, dictionaries

I will sell a book on floriculture, a complete encyclopedia of traditional medicine, a manual for knitting and weaving, a book on French cuisine. (718) 946-1705
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